If you already have a certificate, degree or diploma, or if you’ve got Red Seal endorsement in a trade, you’ve got options at VIU. You may be able to use your previous credentials as block credits toward a new program.

What is block transfer?

Block transfer recognizes the value of post-secondary education that may not be transferable to a VIU credential on a course-by-course basis. A block transfer is a group of credits that transfer together. The number of credits you may receive in a block transfer is based on the type of credential you have:

  • If you have a one-year certificate, including a foundation certificate, you are entitled to 15 credits of block transfer credit.
  • If you have a two-year diploma, you are entitled to 30 credits of block transfer credit.
  • If you have an undergraduate degree you are entitled to 60 credits of block transfer credit.
  • If you have a Red Seal certification in a trade, you are entitled to 60 credits of block transfer credit.

Block transfers can be used toward:

  • bachelor’s degrees
  • diplomas
  • certificates

While you may receive a number of credits through a block transfer, you still need to meet your specific program requirements. Block transfer credits are unassigned credits, so they can be used only for lower-level elective requirements. We recommend you work with a Degree Advisor to create an education plan.

How to qualify for block transfer

You qualify for block transfer if all of these apply to you:

  • the credential you completed is from an accredited post-secondary institution
  • the program is at least eight months of study or more

Other block transfer credit rules

  • You cannot get partial credit from an incomplete credential under VIU’s block transfer policy.
  • You cannot use block transfer credits to meet any of the minimum 42 upper-level credits required for an undergraduate degree.

Red Seal block transfer

Your Red Seal endorsement gets you a block of 60 credits toward an academic program. With Red Seal, you can gain admission into the Graduate Certificate in Business as well as diploma and degree programs.